SliderWorld music

Spirit of Africa dal Marocco – Al centro della musica le tradizioni africane

Spirit of Africa è un giovane gruppo nato nel Marocco nel 2013 ed iniziando l’attività concertistica nel 2014 in tutto il Paese. L’obiettivo è quello di mettere al centro della musica l’Africa e le sue tradizioni, riprendendo la vecchia musica tradizionale gnawa e tagnawite.

La band è composta da: Simo Valda (Gumbri- Chant) Ucef Dajoe (Guitare – Accordéon -chant) Achraf Toukati (Orgue- synthé – chant) Nabil Nabilos (Guitare, Basse – chant) Abdelali Kharbouch ( Percussion – chant) Mus lakhlifi ( Batterie).

Il gruppo sta registrando il primo album con l’uscita prevista entro l’anno 2016.

Per ascoltare la musica del gruppo Spirit of Africa ecco il link:

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spirit of africaSpirit Africa is a Moroccan fusion Band that emerged in late 2013, composed of multy tasks artists : Ashraf RHDI (composer and music teacher), Simo Valda (gumbri), Nabil Rochdi (Guitar and Bass), Ucef Dajo (accordion and vocal) all originally from the city of Salé.
The objective of the creation of collective camed from the envy of artists to preserve and develop the traditional artistic practice, which is the Gnawa or Tagnawite, merging it with other styles and rhythms from the world.

The group started it’s first concerts in 2014 in several cities of Morocco.

Spirit Africa see beyond the traditional boundaries of Gnawa music by opening up to other influences such as Funk, Reggae, Samba, in order to give this musical and spiritual practicies from the slavery age an international mink.

Spirit Africa is recording them first album to be released in mid 2016.

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